... 遵从准则;依从准则:compliance criterion 最终证书:final certificate 最终押记令:charging order absolute ...
三、最终支付(Final Certificate) FIDIC 条件规定,在工程缺陷责任期满后,工程师认为承包商已尽其义务完成 其施工任务,并修补工程缺陷,工程已竣工,应向承包商...
final certificate of quality 最终品质证明书
Final Payment Certificate 最终支付证书 ; 最终付款证书
Issue of Final Payment Certificate 最终支付证书的签发
Final Payment Certificate Design-Build 设计建造最终付款证书
Final Payment Certificate Operation Service 运营服务最终付款证书
Final Acceptance Certificate 最终验收证明
final payment certificate issue of 最终付款证书的发放
final payment certificate application for 最终付款证书的申请
final quality certificate 最终品质证书
The system is applicable to the Department of the valve repair service quality inspector found qualified for the final certificate issued by the valve management.
Our commodity inspection department provides the quality, quantity testing certificate is final, and have the binding force to both sides.
For the final step, export the client certificate and import that into the server keystore, by first running (entered as a single line).
对于最后一步,导出客户机证书并将其导入到服务器server keystore,输入以下命令(以单行形式输入)。